5 Workouts to Advance your Hamstring Mobility

Prepare for fancy flexibility moves like high kicks and front splits

Hamstring strength and flexibility is vital for performers, yogis and athletes in a wide variety of disciplines. For dancers, gymnasts, aerialists, contortionists, yogis, and martial artists flexibility through the back of the body is essential.

These five workouts are designed to give you the tools and information you need to safely, sustainably, and reliably increase both your hamstring flexibility and the strength and stability of your hips.

The workouts include:

  • Active flexibility drills for lifting and holding the legs (kicks and standing splits prep)
  • Advanced pike stretch drills to get you kissing your shins
  • Challenging mobility exercises you can do at your desk to keep flexible during your work day
  • Hip strength and mobility focusing on correcting common muscle imbalances
  • Targeted hamstring mobility to achieve square front splits

What you Get in this Course

    1. Greetings from Kristina

    2. How to use Thinkific courses

    3. Equipment List

    4. Understanding Hamstrings Function and Anatomy

    5. Hamstrings Questionnaire

    1. Control Issues: Building Hip Strength for Lifting the Legs

    2. Deepening the Seated Forward Fold

    3. Advanced Hamstring Flexibility While Seated (Look Weird at your Desk Job)

    4. Advanced Active Hamstring Mobility Drills

    5. Hamstrings Flexibility for Front Splits


  • $29.00
  • 10 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • Detailed Instruction
  • Anatomy & Body Mechanics
  • Expert Support


Kristina Canizares

Founder & Head Coach

Kristina came to coaching after working to heal her own body from injuries sustained as a dancer and circus contortionist with hypermobility and other autoimmune conditions. She trained contortion with Serchmaa Byamba at San Francisco Circus Center, then began coaching at Cirque School LA in 2009. She has coached flexibility all over the world and works with clients to manage hypermobility, chronic pain, injury rehabilitation, and functional mobility challenges. Her clients include professional performers, athletes, and folks who just want to feel better in their bodies. She considers herself a facilitator of conversations within the body for better kinetic relationships.

Tools and tips for healthy, happy, balanced hips and hamstrings